Fen peatlands across ecological gradients
June 05 – 08, 2019, Tulcea – Romania
Starts in:
Among wetland types, peatlands are characterized by permanently waterlogged soils, which determine biogeochemistry, vegetation composition, microbiological processes and slow decomposition rates, and make them to effective carbon sinks and stores. Fens, i.e. ground- and surface water-fed peatlands, occur from the Arctic to the Tropics and from the high mountains to the sea. They exhibit a large ecological diversity, from oligotrophic to highly eutrophic and from slightly acidic to strongly calcareous and often have a high and special species richness.
We invite you to a meeting at the southernmost limit of continuous fen distribution in Europe, the Danube Delta with its highly productive reed fens, to discuss fen ecology and diversity and to increase knowledge to facilitate their more effective restoration as fully-functional peat-forming systems.

Case study site
field trip to REPEAT case study site – floating fens in Enisala.
On first day of the conference, a limited number of participants can visit the project site in Enisala to get live information from the spot.

Plenary sessions, poster session
Project results as well as the participants input will be presented on the 2nd day of the conference.
Please register and submit your abstract by filling up the online form.

Deltas & Wetlands 2019 symposium
3rd Day of the Conference is joying the activities within Deltas & Wetlands 2019 symposium organized by Danube Delta National Institute.
4rd day is an optional field-trip to Danube Delta.
Scientific committee

prof. Hans Joosten
University of Greifswald

prof. Wiktor Kotowski
University of Warsaw

dr. Hanna Silvennoinen
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

prof. Rudy van Diggelen
University of Antwerp

dr. Jenică Hanganu
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development

dr. Marian Tudor
head of Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development
We invite both oral and poster presentations dealing with fen ecology, including:
- vegetation processes,
- microbial ecology,
- carbon cycling,
- ecohydrology,
- restoration ecology.
Contributions from all biogeographical and climatic zones are welcome.
Contributions from all bio-geographical and climatic zones are welcome.
Register to the event
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 31st of March 2019.
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15th April 2019.